To summarize, this past week we took the time to prepare ourselves
for perfect health. Getting a better understanding of the mind-body connection
and the enormous role the brain plays in the body’s overall state of well-being. Deepak discussed how we play a pivotal role in maintaining our own good health and
how training our brains can help us keep disease at bay. We then explored the
importance of remaining balanced yet open to inviting more passion into our lives.
We connected with our intuition - our inner knowingness - our true and
most trustworthy guide. From there we came to realize that our bodies really
take care of us, responding to feedback loops we create that are integral to
health and well-being. We spent time becoming familiar with the doshas, the
points at which mind and body connect. And then we journeyed through our bodies
stopping along the way to express gratitude and love.
The body is a gift, a vehicle by which we can achieve deeper spiritual
wisdom and connect with the higher self. Keeping the body healthy, free from
discomfort and disease, enables us to focus our energies on more meaningful
experiences like building rich, loving relationships, serving the world with
our unique gifts and talents and exploring higher consciousness.
We need to take time to honour our body. And pay attention to the feedback
loops we are creating and listen with openness to our body’s intuitive messages
– all will lead us on the path to perfect health.
Centering Thought:
My body is a magnificent vehicle that connects me to Spirit.
Sanskrit mantra:
Lam, Lam, Lam. - repeating “Lam” opens the root chakra, allowing us to
feel grounded.
Mindful Moment:
By keeping our bodies healthy and strong, we are better able to turn
our energy toward deeply meaningful experiences, spending time with loved ones,
enjoying the beauty of nature all around us, and pursuing our own spiritual
paths. Because this body is the only one we have, we must treat it with great
love and respect, so that it will, in turn, enable us to enjoy all those things
we love.
Thank your body for all that it allows you to do and commit to
making healthy choices that continue to nourish it.
Interesting Links:
“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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