Today’s meditation focused on the rhythm of our mind and body. As human
beings with conscious awareness, we are the only creatures on the planet that
can change our biology through our thoughts, feelings and intentions. Our cells
are constantly eavesdropping on our thoughts and reacting and changing. The slightest
shift of mood is picked up by every cell, which means that we do not think with
our brains alone, all 50 trillion cells actively share our thoughts. Each
thought we have catalyzes a change in our bodies. As an example, what would
happen if you went for a walk and along the way you encountered a large snake
slithering across the sidewalk. If you were scared, your heart would begin to
pound, your throat would become dry and your legs would feel like rubber. The
abstract mental image of seeing the snake would trigger a concrete reaction – a
rush of adrenaline.
Our thoughts work in the same way, when we are anxious, depressed, nervous
about the future, or worried about the past we send our body messages that
cause it to transform in an instant to help us react to the threat that faces
us, even when no real threat exists. However, if you face each moment with "present moment" awareness, enthusiasm, passion for life, optimism, and openness to
all life surprises, then we send ourselves a completely different positive
If that same snake crosses your path but you happen to like snakes your body would react differently to your positive thoughts. Instead of wanting to run away, you would likely want to stay and watch the snake or maybe even pick it up. Your body would then undergo the opposite transformation - one that would support balance and healing. Since we possess this subconscious ability to heal or create toxicity in our body through thought, we need to mentally go with the flow, creating positive thought patterns that support our optimal health and well-being.
Centering Thought:
I flow in rhythm with my mind and body.
Sanskrit mantra:
Om Anandham Namah. - My actions are blissfully free from attachment to
Mindful Moment:
Our thoughts manifest in our bodies, which is why it is so important
that we send ourselves positive messages. Not only can we do this through positive
self-talk, but we can also be kind to ourselves by going with the flow of our
lives and accepting our circumstances in each moment. Today, commit to staying
grounded in the present. Whenever you find yourself worrying about the past or
feeling fearful about the future, take three deep breaths to bring yourself
back to the here and now.
“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running
with them.”
-Marcus Aurelius
Hello Jodi, I hope you’re feeling better.
ReplyDeleteRe: your comment, “The slightest shift of mood is picked up by every body cell.” I so believe this!
In my readings about energy and energetic fields around us and our bodies, it seems that everything on Earth including our thoughts have a vibrational frequency. And, everything has a different vibrational frequency. The closer the thoughts to love, joy, happiness or faith, the higher the vibrational frequency; thoughts of misery, hatred, depression, etc rate much lower.
As water is a fantastic conductor of vibrational frequency and our body cells are 70% water thus it makes sense to think that all vibrational frequency of thoughts is transferred to body cells. Our body cells and their health reflect our thoughts.
And pure unconditional love being the highest vibrational frequency is the state, ideally that one should feel at all times.
Love can be shared everywhere, at all times – whether it’s to your mate, children, friends, the beautiful plants in the garden, the beauty of the sunshine or the fresh dew on the grass in the morning, the beauty of land blanketed in a white snowfall, etc.
Ideally for health, mentally, emotionally and physically it would seem that thoughts of love should radiate from us at all times.
Thanks Julie, I am starting to feel much better each day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your great comments, I have also been doing a lot of reading on this topic – I find it fascinating. Your comment regarding our body composition being water reminded me of water crystal experiments done by Dr. Masaru Emoto.
He claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. He studied various water sources and exposed them to different types of energy (music, thoughts, words, etc). His findings are remarkable; it is really neat to see the difference between the crystals that were exposed to positive and negative thoughts.
Check out this three minute video where it shows the photos of the water crystals and you will see at the end where it says if our thoughts can do this to water, imagine what it can do to our bodies when we are made of 60% water.
Here is another link with photos and a bit more detail of his experiment:
Thanks for reading my blog, I also really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with me.
Have a wonderful evening,
Jodi :)
Thanks for the links Jodi.
ReplyDeleteI also have Dr. Emoto's book on water and you're right! is a most fascinating subject! It leads to many other interesting thoughts....
In the united earth link you provided was this statement, "Prayer, that’s sound coupled with intention, seems to have an extraordinary ability to restore the water back to its natural, harmonious, geometric symmetry." This makes me wonder, if prayer (as described here as sound and intention) can convey good energy into anything? If one can direct it to water, can one also direct it to food?
For example, does saying grace (providing sound and intention of prayer) before a meal provide a better 'energy'? or 'molecular coherence'? (like the water crystals do?) to food that one is about to consume? ? hmmmm, I wonder.... I did read that the cooks at the Shoshoni Yoga Retreat (in Denver, Colorado) direct energy and love into the food they're cooking there. hmmm.
Have you had a chance to try alkaline water? I’ve looked into this. Where I live there is a natural pharmacy that is allowing you to test alkaline water, you just bring in your containers and fill them up. The interesting thing about alkaline water is that when you drink it, it feels like it absorbs very easily in your mouth. If you then go back to tap water or bottled water, it feels like it does not absorb into your body. It does not feel like it absorbs when you drink it.
It’s only when you’ve tried the alkaline water that you notice the difference, and it’s quite noticeable. We may not be hydrating ourselves with the tap water that sits there in holding tanks, immobile, losing it’s alkalinity, or negative ions, or Emoto’s snowflake structure. Who knows. (I also read about negative ions in the water being created when the water runs over rocks and stones like in a stream. That is ideally the water that’s best to consume, as nature had intended it. That I think might be water that has the molecular snowflake structure.
It is because of civilization that we have tap water and bottled water, and it’s for convenience. Ideally, we were meant to drink nature’s water that runs in streams and rivers and has the vibrational frequency of the Earth.
My naturopath says that you should always drink your water with a slice of lemon in it, which helps bring it to the right molecular structure. ? OK.
Then there’s Lloyd Mear whom says that energetic frequency can be applied to water with a number….that’s a whole other story. Sheesh! The topic is sooooo deep.
I think humanity has only scratched the surface regarding energetic frequencies of things. It may actually all be the same thing; many different writers are approaching it from different angles.
And as for you and me whom have the intuitive? desire to look into this with an open mind, we are very fortunate to learn what we do.
You too. Have a wonderful evening,