I decided since I blogged my 30 day Moksha challenge that I would
blog this 21 day meditation challenge, to keep me committed and so that I can look back on my experience in the future.
Oprah’s Lifeclass and The Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation
Challenge - Perfect Health is a free, three-week online interactive meditation
experience designed to share the gifts of meditation in a fun and easy way. It
is not too late to sign up as you will have access to each meditation for a 10 day period so
you can always catch up if you miss a day or two.
Deepak provided a great all-encompassing definition of meditation:
"Meditation expands self-awareness and is a tool for the re-discovery of
our body's own inner intelligence. Practiced for thousands of years, it's not
about forcing the mind to be quiet, it's finding the silence that's already
there and making it a part of your life. Silence is the birthplace of
happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities. From this field of pure
potentiality we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and
our deepest sense of connection to the universe. Practicing meditation on a
daily basis allows you to weave silence and stillness into your mind and body
to create a life of greater compassion and fulfillment. Meditation is a journey
to the center of our very being; a journey to emotional freedom; and a journey
to the reawakening of our unconditioned self."
This 21 day challenge focuses on “The Journey to Perfect Health”. Perfect
health is not only a possibility in our lives, but it is our natural state. As
human beings, each aspect of our physiology seeks balance and optimal
performance. This meditation challenge will provide the knowledge to enable our bodies towards this amazing, natural process so that we can enjoy a
lifetime of well-being and joy.
Centering Thought:
I commit to living perfect health.
Sanskrit Mantra:
Om Bhavam Namah - I am absolute existence. I am a field of all
Mindful Moment:
Set one intention for your journey toward perfect health. Remain open
to all possibilities as you embrace the vision of your best self. If you wish,
write a letter to your future self. Simply with a change of mind you can change your life.
Interesting Links:
I am really looking forward to this 21-day challenge, and seeing the benefits that will unfold throughout the process.
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