Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 2

This 21-day meditation "perfect health" challenge could not have been more timely. I am usually a very healthy person but I have had a whirlwind few months at work, as well as travelling to Mexico and Ottawa and just overall trying to balance/juggle everything on my plate. I ended up getting run down and have developed a lung/chest infection.  I should be on the mend in a few days but today’s meditation really made me understand that without balance in all we do, our health will suffer. Our bodies are always sending us messages to maintain balance, and intuitively we know that when we pay attention to these signals our bodies will thrive.

Today’s meditation was about the wisdom of life – the science of longevity. Ayurveda is the 5000 year old science of life/longevity.  If we have balance of mind, body and spirit we can have lifelong health and vitality. We do not have to become sick and grow old. We can be immune to illness and disorders can be prevented and reversed, as long as balance is maintained. Perfect balance makes perfect health possible.

It is the wisdom of life - we are governed by an evolutionary impulse, driving us to grow and progress, to expand beyond our own imagined limits. This impulse directs our overall balance automatically and it can be witnessed in every organ and every cell of our bodies.

A positive message we can tell ourselves each day is to be aligned with balance in all things, take time to enter stillness each day and get adequate rest.  Do exercise to ward off physical inertia and take a passionate interest in life to keep mental inertia at bay. Self awareness enables the whole mind-body system to be dynamic and make room for spontaneity - the exquisite freedom of the unexpected.

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”  Buddha

We need to remain open to spontaneity in our own lives each day. Find something to be passionate about – these are all deep forms of healing. When you pursue your passions you are truly experiencing perfect health. It is our evolutionary impulse to progress in our lives, to seek and attain balance, and to be healthy and strong.

Centering Thought:
Balance is my true nature.

Sanskrit mantra:
Yum, Yum, Yum. Repeating “Yum” enlivens the heart chakra

Mindful Moment:
While our bodies naturally move toward balance, there are things we can do to aid in this process. For instance, we can send our bodies messages of love and support by eating nourishing foods, getting proper rest, and engaging in activities that make us feel truly alive. So, as we begin to understand how our bodies take care of us, we also learn how we can better take care of our bodies. Consider an area in your life where your self-talk is not supporting your well-being. Replace that thought with a message that demonstrates self-love. Hold that thought as your affirmation for today.

Interesting links:
Approach today with enthusiasm and contemplate the centering thought. Balance is your true nature. 

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