Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 17

Hard to believe it is day 17, only a few days left of this challenge. Today was more challenging than others have been - trying to live this “journey to perfect health”. I received a call at noon that my step-dad suffered a stroke, and he doesn't even know my name anymore. My heart has been hurting since I heard the news, knowing I am helpless here in PEI and can’t be with him or my Mom as they are in Florida. The hardest part to accept is that my Dad is the "poster child" of what perfect health means to me. He eats very healthy (he was the one who got me hooked on protein shakes years ago), he plays golf and runs 15k a day. He also exercises his mind and has always been able to pinpoint dates from the past that no one could seem to remember in conversations. He is always learning and keeping up with current events, technology etc. He has been retired for a few years now and spends his winters in Florida, living a low-stress lifestyle.  So if you can imagine, I am really blown away right about now…things just don’t make sense to me.  Just another reminder of how precious every moment really is, and we need to not take even one of those moments for granted – we never know when life as we know it can turn upside down. I know my Dad is very strong and he will work hard to heal and recover from this.

Today’s meditation theme was “Living Creativity”. Although I didn't feel like doing my meditation tonight I am really glad I did. It focussed on the moments that offer the real joy in our lives, and the richness and abundance of taking the time to have fun - time when you do nothing but relax, enjoy a good book or listen to great music. Think back to when you were a child, exploring your neighbourhood - every bug, plant, rock - all of it was new. Each activity brought with it a flood of activities and creativity. Experiences like these offer glimpses of the soul. They are rooted firmly in the present - impervious to time. As adults such experiences continue to be important. Enjoying activities that have no external goals or milestones to reach enables us to dig deep into our own reservoirs of creativity and connect more deeply with ourselves and others. It is through play and experimentation that some of our best ideas rise to the surface spontaneously. We make a bold discovery, have the “aha” moment instantly, visualizing the solution or reconnect with our dharma – our true purpose in life.  

Try to remain open to being your most creative self, release your fears, and follow your intuition. Acknowledge the synchronicities that nudge you towards a new path. Entertain diverse perspectives, and let go of rigid fixed beliefs. Allow the past to die so that you can live in this moment today. Just as your body is changing in every moment, give yourself permission to choose a different way. Each new perspective, experience and insight fosters new brain patterns to support our desires and goals. And such wondrous transformations can only happen when we allow ourselves the time and freedom to create and recreate every day.

Centering Thought:
Through rest and play, I open my creative channel.

Sanskrit mantra:
Om Anandham Namah. - My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome.

Mindful Moment:
Enjoy opportunities to explore without outside opinions or artificial boundaries. Do those things that make time disappear and witness the boundless joy that flows to you. Set aside time today to be totally free to express yourself. Find a quiet space, gather the tools you need, and just enjoy what happens. Notice how you feel after you’ve spent some time doing what you love.

Interesting links:

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” Plato

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