Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 22 - bonus

What a nice surprise to wake up to – Oprah and Deepak decided to offer a bonus day of the challenge. Today was a special guided meditation where our collective community (the challengers from the past 21 days) did a final meditation to help bring the gift of health to the global community –activating a ripple effect of support and love for those in need.  

Over the past three weeks as a meditating community, we learned to expand our wisdom, peace, love, joy and well-being. Sadly there are so many individuals in the world who lack access to fresh food, clean water and safe shelter so their journey to perfect health is much more challenging. Through today`s meditation we sent our purest intentions for perfect health to all people around the globe - I hope they felt the warmth of our collective consciousness.

Centering Thought:
All is perfect. All is well.

Sanskrit mantra:
Om Bhavam Namah. - I am absolute existence. I am a field of all possibilities.

Mindful Moment:
Envision a world in which everyone enjoys a lifetime of health, joy, and vitality. We are indeed divine beings—united as brothers and sisters around the world—and perfect health is truly our birthright. As you enter into stillness, set the intention that everyone around the world receives the wonderful gift of perfect health.

Interesting links:


“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”  Mother Teresa